If you are a workshop owner, you are probably always on the lookout for new workshop equipment that will add value to your shop, bring in new customers, and allow you to offer additional services.
One piece of equipment that you should keep your eye on is truck roller brake testing equipment, which we’ll be discussing in this article.
What Type Of Vehicles Can Truck Roller Brake Testing Equipment Test?
Heavy duty and extreme heavy duty roller brake systems offered by MAHA Premium Workshop Equipment have maximum axle weight capacities of 18000 kg.
What Is The Best Type Of Truck Brake Testing Equipment?
There are a few different types of brake testing equipment, including plate testing, roller brake testing, mobile brake testing and hydraulic brake testing, among others. With so many options available, how do you know which option is best suited to your workshop?
In our professional opinion, we feel that roller brake testing is the premium choice for heavier vehicles. This brake testing provides highly accurate results and is safe for trucks, buses and other heavy vehicles.
Why Invest In Truck Roller Brake Testing Equipment?
Yes, any type of brake testing equipment can be costly, but there are a few reasons why investing in this equipment can add value to your workshop. First, when you have professional brake testing equipment in place, you attract more customers. You can also give your current clients a more comprehensive service by being able to offer them brake testing on top of your other services.
Truck roller brake testing systems allow you to provide brake testing services to a wider range of vehicles, and you won’t have any reason to turn heavier vehicles away. Expand your vehicle workshop business today through truck roller brake testing equipment.
What Are The Drawbacks To Truck Roller Brakes Systems?
This type of equipment can be quite costly, and it can also take up a significant amount of space on your workshop floor.
Are you looking to purchase truck roller brake testing equipment in New Zealand? Then, you have definitely come to the right place! Here at MAHA Premium Workshop Equipment, we offer a wide range of brake testing equipment for trucks and other vehicles. If you have any questions about our high-quality products, don’t hesitate to contact us today!